I am often telling my kids to stop growing. “Please stay this size forever!” They just laugh at me. Truly time with kids passes by so fast. I can’t believe my oldest turned ten this year. It seems like yesterday my kids were as little as this cutie, Zarri.

Photo sessions are a great time to immerse yourself in the moment with your child. A time to breathe in their baby scent. A time to be completely present with your loved one’s and soak it into every fiber of your pores. This is something I try to do with each of my children on a weekly basis. Give them a big hug and soak them in and fill them up with my love. I find this to be so important.  Especially as our family life has gotten busier and busier. I can tell when my kids get out of sorts. This is when they really need is to be soaked in love. I am amazed how it can soothe so many behavioral problems. Little ones just need to be loved.

Now after you have read this post and checked out the photos. Go give your loved ones a hug!