Pregnancy is a time ripe with excitement. The first time your baby moves there is the most amazing feathery barely-there tickle. It’s absolutely magical!

Having your first child is a very meaningful and transformative time in your life when your capacity to love grows and grows with the child inside. That doesn’t mean you’ll love every little bit.

Many women don’t feel their best while pregnant. They’re sick and tired.  The baby is ballooning out their belly.  The body just isn’t in its normal state; it’s growing a child! But many hesitate to have a photo session centered on them, because they may not be feeling they best about themselves

So, I want to share four reason why I believe you should have maternity photos taken!

  1. Your Body is doing amazing work. There is a little human growing inside you. Your heart is truly beating for two. The female body is so strong that it can sustain life for both you and your unborn baby. It is a sacred job that is going on inside you. You deserve to have these powerful feminine moments documented.
  2. Change is in the air. Soon their will be a new member of your family and that totally changes family dynamics. This is true whether it is your first or your 5th. Your life will never be the same. Capture what your family looks like before everything changes. While the change is a blessing, your family is just as special now!  It’s always growing and changing just like your children, and all those special connections, relationships, and moments deserve to be photographed.
  3. You will forget what it feels like to be pregnant. My kids are now 10, 8 and 6. I have very few photos of myself pregnant, especially with my first. And now I regret it. I have to rack my brain to remember what it felt like to grow my babies. Even if you don’t love being pregnant because you were sick like me, you will still want to remember what it felt like and have photos to help take you back in time.
  4. You look like a goddess! You deserve photos!

Set up a maternity photo session with a photographer. You will never regret it.