Imagine yourself 20 years from now; snuggled up on the couch with your life partner, flipping through an old photo album, searching for all those memories of your little girl, grasping for all those joyful moments shared throughout her lifetime. Tomorrow your daughter is graduating from college.

You look over and see in your partners eyes the same tears as you are overtaken by laughter from all the fun times you had as a family. Recalling all the moments that make up the story of your life.  Many you hadn’t thought about in ages.

On a beautiful fall evening, how little Evelyn beamed upon seeing a fresh pile of pristine snow glittering in twilight sun. Gleefully, she knelt beside her glorious treasure, scooped up its wealth in both hands and proceeded to shove it in her mouth. Excited by her discovery, she generously shoved the prize to Mom and Dad, offering them to sample the cool pure snowflakes.

Our busy lives are too filled up with long to-do lists that never seem to get any shorter. Our brains get so overwhelmed multitasking and planning out everything that needs to be done. And if you are anything like me you sometimes forget some of those wondrous feelings surrounding all of the special moments you share with your children.

Photographs are the keepsakes of our lives. But selfies and smiling at the camera don’t capture the authenticity of moment or the feeling.  Emotive fine art photography is filled with heartfelt moments of you and your loved ones. That’s my specialty. I give you, lovely light and special prompts to create not only beautiful photos, but wonderful memories as alive as you!